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    • China Xiamen International Tea Beverage Industry Fair

      Time: 2024/05/10 - 13

      Venue: Xiamen International Conference Exhibition Center

      Contact: 86-592-5959888

      Website: https://www.teabfair.com.cn/En/

      China is rich in tea resources for both loose leaf tea and relative products. Until the end of 2022, there were over 486,000 tea drink stores running in the country. The market potential of tea beverage is worth expecting. For more than 100 years, Xiamen has been the most important distribution center for international tea trading. Until now, the city still has a close relationship with both tea and tea beverage industry.

      In order to promote the strong development of the domestic and foreign tea beverage industry, from May 10th to 13th, China Xiamen International Tea Beverage Industry Fair 2024 will be held in conjunction with China Xiamen International Tea Industry Fair 2024 (Spring Edition), China Xiamen International Tea Packaging & Design Fair 2024 (Spring Edition), and Green Tea Trade Fair 2024. The total scale of the exhibition will reach 63,000㎡.

      China Xiamen International Tea Industry Fair:

      After 14 years of development, China Xiamen International Tea Industry Fair has become the benchmark for professional exhibitions. The accumulated amount of merchant resources related to the tea industry is considerable. The producers and purchasers of the industry at home and abroad could be perfectly matched at this platform.


      Contact us:
      Tel: 86-592-5959888
      Fax: 86-592-5959611 
      E-mail: info@teafair.com.cn

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