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    • China Xiamen International Tea Industry Fair (Autumn Edition)

      Time: 2024/10/10 - 14

      Venue: Xiamen International Conference Exhibition Center

      Scale: 83000㎡

      Contact: 86-0592-5959888

      Website: https://autumn.teafair.com.cn/en/

      China Xiamen International Tea Industry Fair 2024(Autumn Edition) will be held on October 10th - 14th, 2024, at Xiamen International Conference & Exhibition Center. Co-located with the 19th China Xiamen International Buddhist Items & Crafts Fair, the total exhibition area will reach 190,000㎡ in total. Among them, Xiamen Tea Fair will cover 83,000㎡, including 10 exhibition halls. As a global tea trade platform with the largest scale and highest standard in the world, Xiamen Tea Fair is looking forward to your participation.


      A Grand Global Tea Gather
      Xiamen Tea Fair has become an exclusive tea trade platform for all kinds of high-quality tea and tea enterprises. It is a great choice of development, production, and brand chain-like alliance of tea brands.


      New Edges of Unique Tea Wares

      The fair has gathered industry-related companies all over the world to create the largest, most professional, and most diversified platform for high-quality tea wares. Meanwhile, forums related to the tea industry will also be held during the fair. 

      Fashion and Creation in Tea Packaging Design
      Based on Xiamen’s advantage in tea packaging, Tea Packaging & Design Fair began to be held under Xiamen Tea Fair since 2012. It now has become the largest and most influential trade show gathering innovations, new techs, new product release, and stock ordering etc.


      New Business Opportunities for Global Tea Market

      The organizing committee has been keeping close cooperation with numerous tea-related associations, leading enterprises and media in different countries and regions for promotion, as well as development of tea import and export all over the world.

      Sino-Taiwan Communication
      Xiamen’s special geological and historical relation with Taiwan makes the fair a channel to present the tea industry in Taiwan.

      Contact us:
      Tel: 86-592-5959888
      Fax: 86-592-5959611 
      E-mail: info@teafair.com.cn

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