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    • the 4th Xiamen Traditional Architecture and Garden Landscape Fair

      Time: 2024/05/10 - 13

      Venue: Xiamen International Conference Exhibition Center

      Scale: 10000㎡

      Contact: 86-592-5959618

      Website: http://www.templeafair.com/en/

      With the development of Chinese culture in the past two thousand years,TraditionalArchitecturein China have been continuously developed and enriched through accumulation, leaving usplenty of precious heritage.By fitting in today’s culture, the style of traditionalarchitecture will further develop and innovate, keeping pace with the times.

      In modern times, most temple architecture show the characteristics of contemporary architecture,andembody Buddhist spirit in modern space layout. It is more flexible in function, and make use of modern design concept and material technology.

      Based on China Xiamen International Buddhist Items & Crafts Fair’s support, focusing on the area oftraditionalarchitecture, China XiamenTraditionalArchitecture andGarden LandscapeFair will be heldon May 10 to 13, 2024. China Xiamen International Buddhist Items & Crafts Fair was founded in 2006.

      Exhibits Range: 

      Temple Architecture

      Temple Plan

      Landscape Architecture Design

      Stone & Copper Carvings

      Temple Decoration

      Paintings & plaques

      Temple Repair


      Contact Information:
      Office Website:www.templeafair.com 
      Office WeChat:

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