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    • China Xiamen International Tea Industry Fair (Spring Edition)

      Time: 2024/05/10 - 13

      Venue: Xiamen International Conference Exhibition Center

      Scale: 63000㎡

      Contact: 86-0592-5959888

      Website: https://spring.teafair.com.cn/en/

      China Xiamen International Tea Industry Fair 2024(Spring Edition)will be held on May 10-13, 2024 (4 days) at Xiamen International Conference & Exhibition Center. The gross exhibition area will reach 63,000㎡, with 3,000 International Standard Booths. The fair has 7 sections: New Tea Beverage Industry Fair, Green Tea Trade Fair, Chinese Tea Area, Organic Tea Area, Teawares Area, Tea Packaging & Design Fair, Taiwan, HK and MAC & Overseas Area.

      As a high standard global tea trade platform, Xiamen Tea Fair is looking forward to your participation.


      A Diversified and High-quality Tea Trading Platform

      High-quality tea exhibitors will gather at Xiamen Tea Fair, also dealers, franchisees, agents and other professional buyers at home and abroad, to broaden sale channels and seek international trade opportunities.

      A Healthy and Green Organic Tea Market

      Xiamen Tea Fair 2024 (Spring Edition) will set up a unique exhibition zone for organic tea to make for the domestic tea exports, thus driving the green and healthy growth of the global tea industry.

      The Aesthetics of Cross-generational Tea Wares

      The fair covers a wide range of high-quality tea wares in different materials, from classic to modern, to explore new possibilities for tea wares.


      Innovative Traditional Tea Packaging & Design
      As a leading-edge exhibition for new products launch, enterprises will introduce newly fashionable design inspirations into the tea industry at Xiamen Tea Packaging & Design Fair 2024.


      Leading the Trend of Tea Beverage Industry
      Demands of the new consumer generation have contributed to the upgrading of tea products. With professional technologies and high-quality ingredients, healthy flavored teas have become the focus of the global tea industry. 

      Overseas Market and International Exchange

      A good long-term partnership has been established with relevant oversea institutions and enterprises to bolster international exchanges in the industry, leading domestic high-quality enterprises and products to the overseas market. 


      Contact us:
      Tel: 86-592-5959888
      Fax: 86-592-5959611 
      E-mail: info@teafair.com.cn

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