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    • China Xiamen International Stone Fair

      Time: 2025/03/16 - 19

      Venue: Xiamen International Conference Exhibition Center

      Contact: 86-0592-5959616

      Website: http://www.stonefair.org.cn/

      China Xiamen International Stone Fair, one of the leading stone show around the globe, is held annually at Xiamen International Conference and Exhibition Center. Since its founding in 2001, the fair has made full use of geographical advantages and become a one-stop platform with the very latest stone products, technologies, innovations and service. It is the first choice for domestic and overseas enterprises to expand the market, and for professional buyers to source ideal products and solutions.


      Contact us:
      Tel: 86-592-5959616
      Fax: 86-592-5959615 
      E-mail: info@stonefair.org.cn    info@cxisf.com 

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