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    • China Xiamen International Buddhist Items & Crafts Fair (Spring Edition)

      Time: 2024/05/10 - 13

      Venue: Xiamen International Conference Exhibition Center

      Scale: 130000㎡

      Contact: 86-0592-5959618

      Website: https://spring.buddhafair.com/en/

      China Xiamen International Buddhist Items & Crafts Fair 2024 (Spring Edition)will be held at Xiamen International Conference & Exhibition Center onMay 10-13, 2024. The gross exhibition area is going to reach 110,000 ㎡ with 5,500 standard booths. With the expansion of the exhibition, more and more Buddhist items manufacturers join this international event: the grand scale of the fair, the variety of exhibits and the diverse origins of global exhibitors areunprecedented in Buddhist items and crafts industry. According to statistics, this fair will gather thousands of branded enterprises and attract more than 200,000people during the 4-day exhibition.

      Founded in 2006, China Xiamen International Buddhist Items & Crafts Fair has been held twice a year since 2013: Spring Edition and Autumn Edition respectively.The brand awareness and internationalization of Xiamen Buddha Fair keep growing by the day. Nowadays, it has been acknowledged worldwide as ‘The BestBuddhist Items & Crafts Fair in the world’, enjoying a high reputation and prestige.


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