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    • The 19th China Xiamen International Buddhist Items&Crafts Fair (Autumn Edition)

      Time: 2024/10/10 - 14

      Venue: Xiamen International Conference Exhibition Center

      Scale: 115000㎡

      Contact: 86-592-5959618

      Website: https://autumn.buddhafair.com/En/


      The 19th China Xiamen International Buddhist Items & Crafts Fair (Autumn Edition) will be held at Xiamen International Conference & Exhibition Center on October 10-14, 2024. The gross exhibition area reaches 115,000㎡ with 6500 International Standard booths. Grand scale of the fair, endless variety of exhibits and the diverse origins of global exhibitors keep breaking records year by year. According to statistics, this fair will gather thousands of branded enterprises and attract more than 200,000 people during the 5-day exhibition.


      Time: December 10-14, 2024 (total 5 days)

      Venue: Xiamen International Conference & Exhibition Center

      Standard Booths: 6,500

      Exhibitors: more than 1,000

      Space: 115,000㎡

      Move-in: October 8-9, 2024

      Move-out: 16:00, October 14, 2024


      >>>>  Why Xiamen Buddha Fair?

      ? China Xiamen International Buddhist Items & Crafts Fair has become a global buddhist supplies professional trading platform, the exhibition scale is large, the exhibition area is wide, the variety of display, exhibits high grade.

      ? Great industry event cannot be missed for manufacturers, purchasers and distributors of Buddhist items and crafts, as well as the most professional exchange platform of Buddhist items and crafts industry.
      ? Perfect combination of three cultural elements: Buddhism, Tea and Vegetarian Food.  The concurrent fairs are China Xiamen International Vegetarian Food Fair 2024 and China Xiamen International Tea Industry Fair 2024.
      ? Rich fair contents with various supporting events, such as the Incense Performance, International Vegetarian Forum as well as Summit Forum on Buddhism Industry.


      * Five Added Values for Exhibitors
      ? Free company introduction on Official Catalogue
      ? Face to face opportunity with distributors of Buddhist items and crafts and temple procurement representatives to explore potential customers
      ? Free invitation to existing and potential buyers of all the exhibitors as VIP visitors of the fair
      ? Onsite intellectual property rights protection to encourage original design
      ? Free consultation for fair preparation and how to maximize fair investment return

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