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    • China Xiamen International Handicraft Fair

      Time: 2024/05/10 - 13

      Venue: Xiamen International Conference Exhibition Center

      Scale: 10000㎡

      Contact: 86-592-5959589

      Website: http://www.handicraftfair.cn/En/

      Handicraft is renowned at home and abroad with its superb technology, rich category and brilliant masterpiece for thousand years. With its unique artistic charm, traditional handicraft is widely fashionable around us and brings a huge market in the era of seeking customization.

      On Xiamen Handicraft Fair, you can...

      --Connection with professional buyers and potential customers
          ※Traders in Handicrafts and Gifts
          ※Arts and crafts sales institutions, Cultural and Creative Industries
          ※Museums, Galleries, auction companies
          ※Designers, Enthusiasts and Art Collectors
          ※Inheritors of Intangible Cultural Heritage
      --Trade matching with high-end customization, special crafts, undertake trade and project orders, expand market
      --Communicate with world traditional arts and crafts, excellent practitioners, enthusiasts, heritage inheritors and industry trend
      --To enhance the brand and market influence through the fair

      Gathering of Enthusiasts

      Artand handicraft has a strong connection with Buddhism and Zen tea. Xiamen Handicraft Fair 2024, co-located with Xiamen Buddha Fair and Xiamen Tea Fair, will gather over 200 thousands of visitors including domestic and provincial cultural industry companies, import and export trading companies, auction houses, collection institutions, art museums, research institutes and other professional visitors.

      On the success of 'Xiamen Buddha Fair', Xiamen Jinhongxin Exhibition Co., Ltd. elaborately organizes China Xiamen Traditional Handicraft Fair, which will help you to meet business opportunities.


      Contact Us:


      Web: www.handicraftfair.cn


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