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    • Venue Introduction

      Floor Plan

      Xiamen International Conference & Exhibition Center (XICEC) is located on the southeast coast of Xiamen, which has beautiful scenery and convenient traffic, with a strict distance of 4,500m facing to Kinmen Island. XICEC is the main venue for China International Investment and Trade Fair every year.

      XICEC covers 470,000㎡ with 420,000㎡ of gross construction area.It includes 3 venues ( Venue A/B/C) and a four-star hotel with 210 guest rooms. In total, there are 22 exhibition halls with a net coverage of 150,000㎡ which is able to accommodate 7,500 international standard booths. 32 meeting rooms are available to satisfy the needs of various types of meetings. XICEC is also equipped with series of service spots, such as information service center, business center, and service spots for banking, insurance, tourism, logistic, post,custom, commodity inspection etc.


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