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    • Company Profile

      Xiamen Jinhongxin Exhibition Co., Ltd. (JHX) is a professional host/organizer of international commercial exhibition/conference under C&D Group (state-owned) with decades of experience, mainly serving industries such as stone, Buddhist crafts, tea, optics, machinery etc.

      It has over 20 branding exhibitions with annual visitors of 600,000 and total exhibition area around 600,000㎡. Including: 
      * International Large-scale Whole-industry-chain Trade Fair such as
      China Xiamen International Stone Fair
      China Xiamen International Buddhist Items & Crafts Fair (Spring & Autumn Edition)
      China Xiamen International Tea Industry Fair (Spring & Autumn Edition)
      Xiamen International Optics Fair

      * Exhibition on Emerging Vertical Market
      Stone Infinite Product Design Show
      Xiamen Habitat Design & Life Festival
      China Xiamen International Tea Beverage Industry Fair

      * Large-scale Professional Conference
      World Stone Congress
      International Tea Packaging & Design Forum
      Traditional Architecture Forum

      As influential and cohesive annual gatherings of related fields, the events closely follow the demand and development trend of the market, which have gained good reputation and awards. JHX team constantly challenge themselves in the quality of their work and service, oriented to leading the development and reform of the industry. 

      JHX actively introduces Internet technology to improve its efficiency and service, and independently develops digital customer service platform, cloud exhibition, e-commerce platform, such as "Cloud Xiamen Stone Fair", "Cloud Xiamen Buddhist Items & Crafts Fair" and "Zen Beauties Mall". They not only improve the customer experience, but also create "dual-line exhibition" by using online technology like live streaming, mini program and VR etc. in order to offer more added value and wider range of cooperation to the customer.

      Adhering to the business philosophy of "Team Oriented, Customer Oriented, Common Development", JHX has made unremitting efforts towards the goal of "Enhancing Core Competitiveness, Building World-class Exhibition Brand". Its culture emphasize on responsibility and mission. Its business oriented to mutual benefit and collaborative development with customers, promoting the healthy development and upgrading of the industry.
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