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    • GOGOstone.com

      www.GOGOstone.com is a professional online marketplace specializing on stone, established by the Organizing Committee of China Xiamen International Stone Fair. GOGOstone.com integrates E-commerce with professional stone fair uniquely, which is becoming the preferred platform for worldwide stone suppliers and buyers with massive promotion and enhancing influence.

      Our Feature: "Contact online, Contract on fair"
      By the large database of the exhibitors and visitors of Xiamen Stone Fair, the organizing committee set up a bridge between suppliers and buyers. The duration of fair is limited, but through GOGOstone.com, as a buyer, you can search suppliers and products and negotiate through internet, then make an appointment with the suppliers on the fair, compare the quality and price of the products at the site, after that, choose the most satisfying suppliers to contract without misgivings. At the site of Xiamen Stone Fair, GOGOstone.com can recommend the matched suppliers to buyers. The combination of GOGOstone.com and Xiamen Stone Fair not only increase the credibility for business, but also increase the pace of trade greatly. GOGOstone.com helps you “save time, save labor, save worry”, to achieve a real never-ending stone fair.

      Our mission:
      To help you find all kinds of stone products directly from China and all over the world.

      During this promotion period, registering GOGO member is Free. Current data statistics show that over 1,000 stone enterprises have registered as members, with everyday attracting numerous trade visitors from over 40 countries and regions. Most of the exhibitors of Xiamen Stone Fair have registered as GOGO members.

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