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    • Outbound Exhibition

      After years of effort, Xiamen Jinhongxin Exhibition Co., Ltd. has gained high reputation in exhibition promotion, organization and service. 

      In order to help enterprises expanding new markets, Xiamen Jinhongxin Exhibition Co., Ltd. invites and organizes domestic companies to participate in renowned trade fairs abroad every year. We offer a series of business service including booth reservation, visa application, flight and accommodation, tourism, etc.

      By cooperating with overseas industrial associations and organizations, Xiamen Jinhongxin Exhibition Co., Ltd. has become authorized agency in China of various professional overseas trade fair. As a state-owned enterprise, Xiamen Jinhongxin Exhibition Co., Ltd. also cooperates closely with government authorities, chambers of commerce, foreign consulates in China and other related institution; therefore, providing better service for enterprises attending overseas trade fairs and developing international trade.

      Contact us:

      Xiamen Jinhongxin Exhibition Co., Ltd.  Outbound Exhibition Team
      Add.: Xiamen International Conference and Exhibition Center
      Tel: 86-592-5959333
      Fax: 86-592-5959689
      Email: outexpo@jinhongxin.com
      Official Wechat: (Scan QR code to follow us)

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